I was fascinated as a child of paleoanthropology . I was about 9-10 years old when I tried with much joy and excitement to reconstruct a head of Australopithecus . My parents , especially my mother was not thrilled with my early passion for ancient apes . One day , she absolutely forbade me to reconstruct prehistoric apes . Mother's decision disappointed me but I had no choice. My mother was and is a very religious woman and I think my concern for ancient apes conflicts with religious ideas . Many years have passed since then, but my attraction to prehistory remained intact . A few years ago I accidentally saw a reconstruction of Kennis brothers . I think it was a Neanderthal . It amazed by the talent and originality . They have re - started my passion for paleo anthropology .
I created this blog to my satisface my pleasure to bring to life humanoids that lived many millions of years ago. It's fascinating !

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ancient venus figurine

Venus figurine is an umbrella term for a wide variety of Upper Paleolithic statuettesportraying women with exaggerated physical features. Most have been unearthed inEurope, but others have been found as far away as Siberia, extending their distribution across much of Eurasia.
Most of them date from the Gravettian period (22,000–28,000 years ago), but examples exist as early as the Venus of Hohle Fels, which dates back at least 35,000 years to theAurignacian, and as late as the Venus of Monruz, from about 11,000 years ago in theMagdalenian. Wiki

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