I was fascinated as a child of paleoanthropology . I was about 9-10 years old when I tried with much joy and excitement to reconstruct a head of Australopithecus . My parents , especially my mother was not thrilled with my early passion for ancient apes . One day , she absolutely forbade me to reconstruct prehistoric apes . Mother's decision disappointed me but I had no choice. My mother was and is a very religious woman and I think my concern for ancient apes conflicts with religious ideas . Many years have passed since then, but my attraction to prehistory remained intact . A few years ago I accidentally saw a reconstruction of Kennis brothers . I think it was a Neanderthal . It amazed by the talent and originality . They have re - started my passion for paleo anthropology .
I created this blog to my satisface my pleasure to bring to life humanoids that lived many millions of years ago. It's fascinating !

Friday, October 16, 2015

Gigantopithecus. Encounters of the Third .

Encounters of the Third .

Gigantopithecus a fost o specie de maimuta care a trait in urma cu aproximativ o sută de mii de ani. Gigantopithecus blacki avea in jur de 3m inaltime si peste 540kg. Extinctia acestei specii nu a fost brusca cu siguranta , un numar redus de exemplare supravietuind pana in perioda neolitica, cel putin. Asa se explica povestile devenite folclor, cu gigantul paros, Yeti. A trait in zonele vaste ale Chinei de azi. Datorita dimensiunilor mari, cu siguranta nu avea un trai arboricol, ci mai degraba biped. Probabil ca specia a ajuns sa populeze si zonele de nord ale americii, Alaska si Canada, ajungand acolo prin stramtoarea Bering, alimentand legenda lui Bigfoot. Au fost identificate trei specii  G.‭ ‬blacki,‭ ‬G.‭ ‬bilaspurensis si ‬G.‭ ‬giganteus. Nu cred ca mai exista vreu-un exemplar acum, dar povestile transmise din generatie in generatia, l-au facut inca prezent si viu, pana in zilele noastre.

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