I was fascinated as a child of paleoanthropology . I was about 9-10 years old when I tried with much joy and excitement to reconstruct a head of Australopithecus . My parents , especially my mother was not thrilled with my early passion for ancient apes . One day , she absolutely forbade me to reconstruct prehistoric apes . Mother's decision disappointed me but I had no choice. My mother was and is a very religious woman and I think my concern for ancient apes conflicts with religious ideas
Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Atapuerca Mountains (Sierra de Atapuerca in Spanish) is an ancient karstic region of Spain, in the province of Burgos, Castile and Leon and near Atapuerca and Ibeas de Juarros. It contains several caves, where fossils and stone tools of the earliest known Hominins in West Europe have been found, belonging to the species Homo antecessor (or Homo erectus antecessor) and Homo heidelbergensis. The earliest hominids may have dated to 1.2 million years ago, representing the first in Western Europe. "The Archeological Site of Atapuerca" has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.