Sunday, December 14, 2014

Oase skull reconstitution. Homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens interbred with Neanderthals

Peștera cu Oase is subject to ongoing investigation. The Oase 2
indicating a mixture of archaic, early modern human and Neanderthal morphological features. Thus, the specimens exhibit a suite of derived "modern human" features like projecting chin, no brow ridge, a high and rounded brain case. Yet, these features are associated with several archaic aspects of the cranium and dentition that place them outside the range of variation for modern humans, like a large face, a large crest of bone behind the ear and big teeth that get even larger toward the back.
The latest radiocarbon dates give an age of 37,800 years.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Venus of Laussel-Venus of Brassempouy

  1. The Venus of Laussel is a Venus figurine, a 18.11 inches high limestone bas-relief of a nude female figure, painted with red ochre. It was carved into a large block of fallen limestone in a rock shelter (abri de Lausselfr:Abri de Cap Blanc) in the commune of Marquay, in the Dordogne department of southwestern France.

The Venus of Brassempouy is a fragmentary ivory figurine from the Upper Palaeolithic. It was discovered in a cave at Brassempouy, France in 1892. About 25,000 years old, it is one of the earliest known realistic representations of a human face.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ancient venus figurine

Venus figurine is an umbrella term for a wide variety of Upper Paleolithic statuettesportraying women with exaggerated physical features. Most have been unearthed inEurope, but others have been found as far away as Siberia, extending their distribution across much of Eurasia.
Most of them date from the Gravettian period (22,000–28,000 years ago), but examples exist as early as the Venus of Hohle Fels, which dates back at least 35,000 years to theAurignacian, and as late as the Venus of Monruz, from about 11,000 years ago in theMagdalenian. Wiki